Thursday, 5 July 2007

The rain

It’s raining outside again. It should be her favorite time of the year. She sits by the window as usual, looking down at the small whirlpools created by rain drops in the tiny puddles of water. She loves doing that. There is something just so beautiful about the patterns made by the drops of water. But something is different this year. Somehow she can’t find the peace that she normally does when it rains. As weird as it may sound, chaos outside always seemed to bring peace within her. This time there was something distinctly missing.

She decides to take a walk in the rain. Chaplin once said “I love walking in the rain because no one can see my tears”. Ironic that she should be thinking of that now. As she wanders without too much thought over a familiar path, it dawns on her. It isn’t something that’s missing, it’s someone. It kind of stills her for a moment that something as simple as this took so long to figure out. She should probably turn back right now, but her mind is too far from her feet apparently, so they don’t take any instructions anymore. She wonders if he’ll be there today, she wonders if it would make a difference if he was. Last year, she probably wouldn’t have given a moment’s thought to it. Walking up to that place would be something she looked forward to. Again, weird. There are only two situations that can take place now if he’s there: he sees her, pretends he dint and walks away or he sees her, they have a small awkward conversation and yet again, he walks away.

She should be used to it now. She’s wondering what it will be this time just as she enters the familiar arena. Ah, he’s not there this time. She goes over to one of her favorite spots, right by the huge window that overlooked the ocean and sits down for some pondering. She’s lived a life without regrets so far, she’s not going to let him be her first. She realizes she doesn’t have to look back at those past moments as something she should regret. It could also be some happy memories that just aren’t anymore. Maybe he does. Maybe he regrets it. It doesn’t matter anymore, not to her. Years later, when they both look back at this, if they do, she knows she won’t be the one who had anything to regret. She can only hope that he doesn’t too. Damn right, people change. She just wished she dint change much.

She sets out to the ocean, her mind clearer than when she left home. She reaches the beach, she can feel the sand slipping beneath her feet, yet she has no fear about where her feet may land. It’s raining again. It is her favorite time of the year. She sits by the ocean as usual, looking down at the huge waves constantly crashing at shore. She loves doing that. There is something just so beautiful about the chaotic waves and the fact that no two waves ever seem to form or crash at the same spots. Finally, she is at peace. As weird as it may sound, chaos outside always seems to bring peace within her.

easily the hardest post to put up.