Can you hear me? Can you hear me at all?
Probably not, I’ve sunken to far into the darkness to be heard anymore.
I wish you could hear me. Maybe someday, someday, but for now I’ll continue to sink.
I look around; all I see is emotionless bodies, unrecognized faces. It’s all shadows down here. I can only wish yours was somewhere in this misted dream.
It’s more like a fogged nightmare.
If only I could wake up. If only I could find some sort of light in the black nothing.
No matter how dark it gets there is always some light, somewhere. I’ll just hold onto the scrap of hope I have left. The hope to find my way out and see you. If not be with you, I want to say goodbye.
Because I think I am dead. I think I’ve died, and this is the end.
I’ll just keep on sinking, sinking further down.
-not mine, but too beautifuuly written not to put it up.
written by a guy infact... hats off to u man!