Well it’s been a little more than a year since college ended. I never EVER imagined I wouldn’t realize when that would happen, but it did. The day came and went, and a few days later I realized, DAMN! It’s been a year since college ended. I also dint have a reaction. Well sure, a portion of my mind is always floating in eternal place that I’ll never have to go back, but besides that… nothing! I guess another part of my mind, the one filled with insecurities is still worried that something may go wrong and I won’t be as broken of from that place as I hope to be.
Well in the past year, I have not once gone back to the campus – a feat I am quite happy about. I have passed the road by the college (you can only avoid it so many times L and it is one the roads that leads to the beach), and every single time I have looked away. Well the little glimpse I got before looking away was enough to show me that the place was still the grim hell-hole I thought it to be for four long years. I guess it’s still full of money-sucking people who take perverse pleasure in harassing students. (Phew1 I thought I’d gotten over some of the hate, I guess not). Every so often, I happen to speak with someone who’s been to college recently or a junior still going to the grime and I can’t seem to thank enough whatever powers there are, for getting me out of there in an “almost” sane state. So a little more than a year ago I put up a post about college ending, and id wondered back then if I would really miss my college days. Back then I claimed my answer would always be a big resounding NO. Well a year down the line, the answer is still … NOOOOOOOOO. (I can hear my voice echo, I swear, can’t you?)
Well, I’m not being judgmental (HA! Who am I kidding? Of course I am), but honestly, what are people talking about when they say that? The boring lectures? The lecturers? The assignments that had absolutely no point to them? The EXAMS? The crazy preparations for the exams, the nerve-wrecking anticipation of the results where you wonder which prof will screw you less? WHAT?? I don’t miss any of it. I do miss the long hours spent with friends, I do miss the college-fest madness and I honest-to-God miss the frankies and sandwiches we got the consumer store (NOT the canteen, coz our college didn’t even have a decent enough canteen) but I cover that up by ensuring I’m in touch will my friends from college, and by finding newer places to eat. (P.S: This place at Lokhandwala has THE most amazing frankie’s, do go there and you’ll be biting your fingers off)
well if you’ve had a college that you really really miss and wish you could go back to, I am glad and also slightly jealous that you have such happy memories of days that should have been just plain old fun. As for me, my few happy memories from college will ahev to tide me over.
I’ll end with another question or two for me to answer next year.
- Would I go back? (Right now: Not if someone offered me All the money in the world and then some)
- Have the nightmares stopped yet?