Sunday, 26 September 2010


So yesterday was an awesome day.
Didn’t start out that great. Must really do something about my temper. But like they say. All’s well that ends well. Well almost J

How soon we go from ‘our first time…’ to ‘the last time we will ever…’.
But even when it’s all about the lasts there can be a first. A monumental one at times. This one definitely is J

Another milestone in life some would say!

And yes, there is such a thing as a good goodbye. Never believed it.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Moving on

It’s always worked that way for me.
Try it, maybe it’ll work for you:

When something ends,
When you lose something, give yourself a minute.

Feel the pain as your heart shatters and each broken bit hurts.
Then forget all about it, and use your brain to move forward.
No emotions attached.
Forget you have a heart.

Sometimes, when you look back, your heart’s all healed and doesn’t hurt anymore.
The risk here is, you never know when it might be too soon to look back and know that it still hurts with a killing ache.

The fallout here is that once healed, you only set it up to be broken again.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

True friends

It's kinda sad, that you only find out who your true friends are during a crisis.
i'm of the 'all people are good' belief, but there still is a lil something that separates your average good Samaritan from friends..

To all those who are here for me, and to those who weren't :)

Its not about who you can call, it’s about who call you back

It’s not about who tell you they care, but about those who show it without saying

It’s not about who can wipe your tears, but who can bring a smile to your face through the tears running down your face

It’s not about who patiently listen while you pour your heart out, some times it’s the ones who stop you midway and knock some sense into your head

It’s not about those that always pick you up, but about those that’ll never let you fall.

Also, my 50th post :)