Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Resolutions... and then none!

You know how excited everyone gets about the New Year?
Like one day turning into the next is gonna bring about some major change?
Well, some attempt to try and make this real with resolutions, the enthusiasm for which - for no unforeseeable reason- wither away in days, weeks, months…

I decided to come up with a list of resolutions that I would NEVER be able to keep, even if someone offered me… (well, anything, really :-P)

Here goes… (in random order)

I resolve not to:

  • Curb my sarcasm
(I try, honestly! After all, it IS wasted on a lot of people (the populace strength is shocking!))

  • Stop saying, "FAT stranger, I don't comment on how much you stuff your face, you don't comment on how less I stuff mine. OK? OK"
(When they established etiquette for what can or cannot be said about fat people in public, shouldn’t there have been etiquette about what you say to people on the other side of the scale, especially strangers? Since they didn’t, someone has to do the dirty job, unfortunately…)

  • Stop correcting people's grammar
(Now this, I should be applauded for, if not rewarded. Someone remind me why there aren’t laws against bad grammar again?!?!)

  • Stop judging people by the music they listen to
(I might sound like one those quizzes, but you music DOES say a lot about you!)

  • Get over Sawyer
(Again, I tried. But sometimes, one just has to accept things…)

  • Follow ‘Early to bed, early to rise’ (like,sunrise early!)
(Make the sun change its nighty-night and rise-and-shine timings, not me!)

  • Eat mangos
(and please find me someone else who also does not eat them, I cannot be the only one!!!)

  • Buy/ wear more "girlish" attire (read: PINK)
(Really, if you don’t even know me that much, you shouldn’t be reading this. Expect to be sued for invasion of privacy!)

  • Be opinionated on Everything, or at least not voice them every single time.
(If you ask me, I will tell you. And even if you don’t, at times)

  • Make small talk
(might be hard to believe with my blabbering prowess, but leave me with people I am less than acquainted/ and/or have no interest in, and silence is my best friend)

Now I know I might not come across as the best person in all of these, but my final and truest resolution will get me back to you good side(yes, I care, very much!)

I RESOLVE NOT TO…. Leave the good side and become a super-anti-hero!

Told ya! B-)

I assure you I shall have no problems abiding with any of these for this year, and the next… so long!

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